Historic Preservation

AG Carpentry can help you preserve history by restoring your building to its original stature while bringing it up to modern standards. We follow careful historic preservation processes and procedures. Whether you’re looking to preserve or modernize your historic facility, we have the expertise.

There are four approaches to the treatment of historic properties.

Understanding the appropriate treatment is critical and dependent on a variety of factors. These can include a property’s historic significance, physical condition, proposed use and mandated code requirements.

  • Preservation
    Maintaining and repair of existing historic materials, as well as the property’s form as it has evolved to today.
  • Rehabilitation
    When a continuing or changing use to a historic property causes the need to alter or add to, all while maintaining its historic character.
  • Historic Restoration
    Bringing back a property’s form to a particular period of time in its history and removing evidence of all other periods past.
  • Reconstruction
    Recreating non-surviving elements of a property for interpretive purposes.